The impact of wood on our health

For several years now, we have been more and more willing to turn to mother nature. Many people choose to use wood for health reasons. It is an atmosphere that promotes well-being, reduces the risk of disease and even improves mental condition. What’s more, natural wood breathes and smells beautiful, and this aroma has a positive effect on the body. So what’s so special about it? Naturalness, which each of us subconsciously needs, high quality that we like to surround ourselves with or warmth in which we feel comfortable?

Man’s turn to nature
A trend that has been observed for several years, which can be briefly described as a turn of man towards nature. The origin, method of obtaining and physical properties of wood make it the most natural and friendly material that we use on such a large scale. It is estimated that nowadays it has approx. 30 thous. Applications: Wood and wood-based materials are used in construction, mining, energy, agricultural and industrial machinery, flooring, furniture, boards, paper and packaging, tools, musical instruments, sports equipment, toys or office supplies.

Why is it good for us to surround ourselves with wood?
Wood is one of the cleanest, healthiest and most eco-friendly materials. It has a beneficial effect on us, compared to direct contact with nature. Analyses carried out as part of a recent research program show that it helps reduce stress levels, has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and balances heart rhythm, and even lowers cholesterol levels in the body for some. Wood as a building material is also the safest for our health in terms of harmful emissions. It is classified as the highest scale of building materials – M1. What’s more, wood secretes natural essential oils, supporting the functioning of the respiratory system and soothing and regenerating the entire body. It also has bactericidal and fungicidal properties. It also smells great, providing a subtle and beneficial inhalation.

Ideal wood for allergy sufferers
People struggling with various types of allergies and annoying allergies caused by dust and mites will finally be able to breathe freely in a wooden house. This is because there is no static electricity, so dust has no chance to settle on the walls or floor. Wooden floors or walls are also easy to clean and do not require the use of any aggressive cleaning agents, which also has a significant impact on our health.

Wooden saunas and hot tubs for the garden
The natural and therapeutic properties of wood are also used in saunas and hot tubs, which are becoming more and more popular in our gardens. The right wood for saunas and hot tubs is an ecological, clean and “breathable” material. When heated, it produces molecules that give it a pleasant aroma. First of all, it is about the healing effect of heat, naturalness and communing with wood. The contact of warm water and a well-made surface of wood with leather is one of the most pleasant sensations we can treat ourselves to after a hard day or training.